We are Chartered Physiotherapists with over 27 years of experience in rehabilitation within the NHS and private sector. Through our practice we recognise the importance of strengthening our core, including abdominals and pelvic floor, to prevent injury, return to fitness, and improve muscle tone and confidence. We have trained with the Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute (APPI) to enable us to teach effective stabilisation exercises in Modified Pilates to enable clients to develop and improve body awareness, strength, balance, mobility and posture. Our in depth knowledge of movement patterns, biomechanics, recovery and rehabilitation is supplemented by our APPI training in order to help our clients achieve their goals.

As Mums ourselves we know how valuable “me time” is. Pilates is an excellent way to address your health and well-being. To make you feel like you again.

Pilates Classes Run in West Bridgford by

Rachel Tomasevic BSc Hons, MCSP

Natalie Quinn BSc Hons, MA, MSc, MCSP